Bar code Font Software to Print Your Own Labels
Barcode 128 sample image

Bar Code 128

Includes subsets A and B for alpha-numeric and subset C for high density numeric data. UCC / EAN 128, and shipping container bar codes SCC-14, & SSCC-18 are also included. Comes with software utility and macros to calculate checksums for every bar code.

EAN barcode sample image

EAN Software

Retail products sold in Europe require an EAN (European Article Numbering) bar code. Print sheets of bar code labels, export a graphic, or add bar codes to your packaging. Includes our software utility and macros to calculate checksums for your bar code.

UPC barcode sample image

UPC Software

All retail products in the U.S. and Canada need a UPC Code. Our software prints sheets of bar code labels, exports a graphic, or adds bar codes to your product packaging. It even calculates checksums for your UPC code. Prints both UPC-A and UPC-E.


Retail Bar Code Solution

This software includes every bar code used for retail products and shipping. Bookland, EAN, ISBN, ITF-14, GTIN, SCC-14, SSCC-18, and UPC. Print sheets of labels, export an image, or add bar codes to your packaging. Includes utility and macros to build these bar codes.

39 barcode ssample image

Bar Code 39

The easiest bar code font to use. It is so simple that you can type in it. sarcode 39 has upper case letters (A-Z), numbers (0-9), and a few other symbols. It also does HIBC (Health Industry Bar Codes). The software includes our utility and macros to build and export bar codes.

2/5 interleaved barcode sample image

2/5 Interleaved

Print high density numeric data with the interleaved 2 of 5 bar code. Also handles shipping container GTIN-14 or ITF-14 bar codes. Comes with and without bearer bars. Features our software utility and macros to calculate checksums for your bar code.

ITF-14 barcode image sample

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