Ordering Problems?
If you used this order button your order was processed in real time via our Fastspring ecommerce store. You should have already received two emails. The first was a receipt for your purchase. The second has your download link.
If you have not received the second email, check your spam filter to make sure your download email is not stuck there. In addition, some corporate firewalls will block email so check your firewall.
If you need a copy of your invoice, you can reprint it by using the url shown below. Replace the words "YOUR-ORDER-NUMBER-GOES-HERE" with the actual order number you received from Fastspring. This order number will always start with the letters "ELF120224-".

Haven't Received Your Order Yet?
If you used this order button your order was sent to us here at Elfring Fonts. You should have already received a confirmation email for your order. Note that we are only open Monday - Friday from 9 am until 5 pm Chicago time. (Closed for all major holidays.) Your order will be processed during normal business hours and sent to you as soon as possible.
If you have not received these emails first check your spam filter to make sure your download email is not stuck there. In addition, some corporate firewalls will block email so check your firewall. If you can't find your download email visit: